Launch of a market survey
A notice has been published on the CUC website of the Sicilian Region, at the following link:, regarding the launch of a market survey pursuant... Leggi di più
Vote for Bythos project: The Only Italian-Maltese Candidate at Euro Regiostars 2024!
The Sicilian Region, Managing Authority of the Interreg V-A Italy-Malta Program, is proud to announce that Bythos has been selected to compete for the prestigious Regiostars... Leggi di più
Monitoring Committee, Malta – 20 June 2024
The Managing Authority of the INTERREG VI-A Italia Malta Programme communicates the summary of the decisions relating to the meeting of the Monitoring Committee in Malta... Leggi di più
Interreg VI-A Italia-Malta 2021-2027 – Publication of Public Notice 1/2023 for the submission of cooperation projects
In the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Regione Siciliana no. 1 of 5 January 2024, the extract of the Public Notice 01/2023 for the presentation of cooperation projects... Leggi di più
Public notice n. 3/2022 – Publication of the DDG for the ratification of the rankings
INTERREG V-A Italia-Malta Programme - DDG n.1279\A7 of 27/12/2022 ratifying the final rankings of the project proposals presented in the context of the Public Notice n.... Leggi di più
Interreg VI-A Italia-Malta 21-27 – Programme adopted by the European Commission
The European Commission, with Implementing Decision C(2022) 9624 final of 13.12.2022, adopted the Interreg VI-A Italia-Malta Cooperation Programme, financed by the European Regional Development Fund under... Leggi di più
INTERREG V-A Italia-Malta Cooperation Programme – Approval of the Directives concerning the procedures for reporting expenses related to controls
With DDG n.939 of 21-10-2022, the Directives concerning the procedures for reporting expenses relating to controls were approved. These Directives provide information on specific procedural aspects... Leggi di più
Public Notice no. 3/2022 – Extension of deadline
The deadline for the submission of project proposals pursuant to Public Notice no. 03/2022 - Capitalization of the results of cooperation projects financed under the INTERREG... Leggi di più
Public Notice n.3\2022 – Notice Approval and publishing on GURS
By decree no. 463/A7/D.R.P of 14 July 2022, the general manager of the Regional Department of Programming, in his capacity as Managing Authority of the INTERREG... Leggi di più