
CROSSWORK Project – Second Notice for economic operator selection – ERRATA CORRIGE

Due to a technical disguid Notice n. 2 of Crosswork project presented a not updated file. It is possible to download the correct file here under... Leggi di più

Market survey and consultative survey for the implementation of the Communication Strategy

As part of the activities envisaged by the Technical Assistance Plan of the INTERREG VA ITALIA MALTA 2014-2020 Program, the Dipartimento della Programmazione della Regione Siciliana... Leggi di più

CROSSWORK Project- Second Notice for economic operator selection

LOGOS Societa’ Cooperativa, lead partner of the CROSSWORK Project, published a Public Notice for the selection of an economic operator to assign activities addressed to enhence... Leggi di più

ITAMA – Interdisciplinary Workshop 25 March 2022

The interdisciplinary Workshop "towards a strengthening of a non-invasive diagnosis of Celiac disease"  will be held today by the ITAMA  project For more information on the... Leggi di più

Joint Secretariat – State of Play meetings

The Joint Secretariat of the Italia Malta 2014-20 INTERREG VA Programme in March will carry out the timely activity of physical and financial monitoring of the... Leggi di più

CROSSWORK Project – Public Notice for the selection of an economic operator

LOGOS Societa’ Cooperativa, lead partner of the CROSSWORK Project, published a Public Notice for the selection of an economic operator to assign Promotion and Dissemination activities... Leggi di più

MEN Project – Notice for companies’ selection

The Municipality of Acireale, leader of the MEN project, has published the Notice of Expression of Interest in favor of companies interested in participating in the... Leggi di più

Project “MOVE ON” – Extended Deadline

Project “MOVE ON” - MOBILITÀ TRANSFRONTALIERA ATTRAVERSO L’EROGAZIONE DI VOUCHER” – Project code: C2-2.2-112 – CUP code: G77H20001510004 Public Notice for the Selection of 25 Recipients... Leggi di più

ENISIE Project- WP7 Selection Notice

The ENISIE project has published the Notice 01/2022 for a job assignment for the activities of "Measurement and assessment of the social impact for recipient companies"... Leggi di più

MOVE ON project Notice deadline delayed

Project "MOVE ON" Public Notice for the selection of 75 recipients of cross-border mobility vouchers for the realization in Malta of job placement internships Ass.For.SEO a.r.l.,... Leggi di più

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